Samantha King - Northern School of Contemporary Dance


Librarian & Library Systems Manager


Additional Qualifications
Chartered member of CILIP the Library & Information Association

Role and responsibilities:

As the school’s Librarian, Samantha oversees NSCD’s library and archive provision. Her primary role is the management of this provision, ensuring students and staff have access to a range of appropriate physical and online resources and to facilitate the use of the service – via induction, tutorials and as a gateway to services beyond NSCD.

Samantha is CLA Co-ordinator for the school, OpenAthens Administrator and also manages the NSCD Media Archive, the school’s online performance / assessment / documentary footage platform. This includes overseeing the school’s ERA Licence.

Who am I?

I am a dyslexic Librarian, who loves books and letterpress printing. I was born in Newcastle Upon Tyne but spent my formative years down south, returning to the north to attend university. I’ve been in Leeds ever since.

My interest in contemporary dance was sparked back in 1990 when I visited Glasgow, which was City of Culture that year. Whilst there I picked up a small flyer for DV8’s “if only…”. Something about the image, energy and feel of that small piece of paper caught my imagination. It was pinned to noticeboards and stuck on walls for the next decade or more until I came to work at NSCD, where I have whole collections of dance posters, footage and flyers to care for… And yes, I still have that flyer stashed away somewhere!

I run a small letterpress studio, printing and making artist’s books. So when not in Libraryland you’ll find me up to my elbows in ink & paper.

Career History

Samantha is a graduate of Leeds Metropolitan University and a chartered member of CILIP the library & information association.

Samantha has worked as the school’s Librarian since July 1997, taking on responsibilities at CDD level in 2010. In 2013 Samantha oversaw the development and implementation of the NSCD Media Archive which allows students and staff to view assessments, student and visiting artist performances and off-air recordings online.

Samantha held the role of CDD Library Advisor from 2010 to 2022 and enjoyed working across the Conservatoire to develop centralised resources for students and staff across a range of performance subject areas. This included co-ordinating the provision of shared online resources to students and staff across the 6/8 schools, managing OpenAthens provision and co-ordinating the library group for the Conservatoire.

As part of her Librarianship training, she was lucky enough to complete a placement at the BUFVC (British Universities Film & Video Council). The passionate individuals she worked with at the BUFVC sparked a desire to work in a specialised/arts library in the HE sector and a career long interest in facilitating access to audio visual resources.

She has also undertaken various freelance indexing and bibliographic work for dance and voluntary sector organisations.

Samantha is a letterpress printer, a member of the British Printing Society and the Fine Press Book Association. She founded her own letterpress studio, the Red Eel Press, in 2011.

Professional activity


King, S. & Sarmiento, M. (1992) Index to Viewfinder the British Universities Film & Video Council Magazine: Part One : Issues 1-15, November 1987-May 1992.

King, S. (2016) ‘The Tale of a First Timer’, Small Printer, September 2016, Vol.52 No.9, pp.207-209.

Saunders, C.R. & Chiplis, M. (2019) For the Love of Letterpress : A Printing Handbook for Instructors & Students. London : Bloomsbury, pp.86-87.

King, S. (2020) ‘Focus : Granjon Flowers : Lockdown Lock-ups’, Small Printer, December 2020, Vol.56 No.2, pp.212-3.

King, S. (2021) ‘Focus : Jack Townend Borders 1958′, Small Printer, June 2021, Vol.57 No.3, pp.84-6.

King, S. (2021) ‘My Favourite : Some of Sidereal, June 2018 by Sara Langworthy‘, Small printer, October 2021.

Research and Professional Interests

Member of the UK Dance Librarians group, CILIP, British Printing Society, Fine Press Book Association, Society of Bookbinders & the Designer Bookbinders.

Performance and research artefacts


King, S. (2018) Arabesque Mapfold, Parenthesis : The Journal of the Fine Press Book Association, No.34, Spring 2018, De Luxe Portfolio.

King, S. (2020) Granjon Flowers : Lockdown Lock-ups. Leeds : Red Eel Press.

King S. (2021) Jack Townend : Monotype Borders 1958. Leeds : Red Eel Press.

King, S. (2021) Blaze : David Bethel : Monotype Borders 1959. Leeds : Red Eel Press.


King, S. (2019) Extract 2 : Job 41:32 : Leviathan maketh a path to shine after him; One would think the deep to be hoary. Leeds : Red Eel Press.

Very Like a Whale

18 October 2019 – 05 January 2019

Bodleian Libraries, Blackwell Hall, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG

200 years after the birth of Herman Melville, the Bodleian Bibliographical Press undertook a collaboration with printers from across the globe to honour the author by printing parts of ‘The Whale,’ (London, October 1851), or, as it is best known, ‘Moby-Dick; or, The Whale’ (New York, November 1851).

The aim being to print, collectively, the section of the novel, ‘Extracts. Supplied by a sub-sub librarian‘.