Maxime Abbenhues - Northern School of Contemporary Dance



"Because I still haven’t found a feeling as wonderful as the feeling of being on stage."

Maxime was born in Amsterdam. She found her way to the Amsterdam University of the Arts, where she trained in the foundation course before continuing to the BA Urban Contemporary Dance. After her graduation in 2020 she performed in Ann van den Broek’s Memory Loss, Jasper van Luijk’s Vlucht and De Dansers’ Als je er op kan staan, is het een vloer as well as working with DOX and Silbersee.

During that time she also deepened her love for partnering and weight-sharing, which she explored with Mees Meeuwsen and resulted in the start of their collective MAMM in 2019. Together they’re developing their movement language as young makers, creating location theatre performances for multiple theatre festivals.