Bar Groisman | Northern School of Contemporary Dance


BA (Hons) in Dance (Contemporary)

Why did you decide to study contemporary dance?

Because I feel Contemporary Dance has this freedom in which you can explore anything you feel, think, or desire.

What do you enjoy about training in Leeds at NSCD?

I enjoy that there is always something going on, always opportunities, always performances, a lot of students’ work that is inspiring. The variety of dance you study is so wide, therefore you become stronger, more versatile and you are always learning something new.

What is life as a dance student like?

Very physical, stressful, but amazing. You spend your time with people who have the same passion as you, and you get to learn from them, learn what their thoughts are about the world, about dance, and learn new ways of moving. You get to work and learn from inspiring teachers, who are interested in you not only as a performer, but also as a person, therefore, you can have this connection in which you can really be interested in what they are teaching, making you more open to learning new things, and really achieving your best.

What are the highlights of your time at NSCD so far?

Working with other students in their work. Choreographing my own work, and learning new ways of moving. Also, finding the freedom in styles I found initially hard to relax into. And lastly, I have really enjoyed rehearsal period, as it is a really amazing, fun process of creating a piece; I get to become closer to my class mates, which has opened to new friendships, and new collaborations.

What are your career goals?

I aspire to be a choreographer in the future, to create my own work and hopefully solidify a company and tour. Before this, I would love to be a performer, I have a few companies in mind that I would love to work with, e.g Hofesh Schecter, Punchdrunk, Jasmin Vardimon, Batsheva Company, and many more.

What advice would you give to people thinking of studying contemporary dance?

To not be afraid of trying new things and failing, because the more you try the better you will become and eventually you will get it. And do not feel like you have to love everything you study, sometimes you will have preferences in style and a way or moving, but work equally as hard in your least favoured areas to your most favoured areas.