Student interview: Syanindita Prameswari


Thursday 11th March 2021, 7:26pm Student interview: Syanindita Prameswari


We caught up with third year BA (Hons) student Syanindita Prameswari about her training to date and how she has found her time at NSCD.

Tell us more about yourself — where are you from and what made you decide to pursue training at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance?

Hello! I’m Syanindita Prameswari, I’m from Indonesia but I grew up in Switzerland. Back in 2009 I was dancing in a youth company called Compagnie Virevolte. Being involved in this company gave me a lot of opportunities to develop my creativity, collaborating and working with many artists and also performing. I knew then that I wanted to keep exploring this world. So, I did my research and found NSCD!

What sparked your interest in dance? 

I’ve always been interested in dance in general. But especially contemporary dance – the freedom and beauty when communicating a message through our bodies. Pina Bausch would be one of my main inspirations!

Can you tell us more about what life is like in Leeds as a student? 

Living in Leeds is very lovely and gratifying because you can find so many sorts of art in this city. There’s always something to watch and listen.

What have been some of your most memorable moments so far and why?

I really enjoyed my second year Rehearsal Period. For about 5 weeks, we would have a dance technique class at 9am (either ballet or contemporary) and then we would work with our respective choreographer for the rest of the day, so from 11am until 5pm. Lunch is at 12:30pm, and it’s always a great time, because you get to eat and chat with your friends from other groups and other years.

Who are some of the teachers who have provided specific support and guidance to you?

In first year, Kate Kramers, the Admissions Manager and English Support Tutor, helped me with my English. She delivered some English classes during lunchtime and we could pop in and leave whenever we wanted.

How do you see your dance career progressing once you graduate?

As I’m interested in teaching dance, I think I see myself becoming a more mature and confident teacher. And as I love performing and exploring, I would also see myself working with other artists from other disciplines.

What are the most valuable skills you have gained during your time at NSCD?

I would say that I’ve gained more control and strength in my body. I’d also say I’ve gained more focus, not just in a performance situation.

What advice would you give other students looking to train at NSCD?

NSCD gives you so many opportunities to express your creativity, so don’t be shy when it comes to trying things out, just do it! Never think you aren’t creative enough, because you are always an inspiration to someone in the room. The course is intensive but very fun, so be ready to sweat and have the best memories of your life!