Victoria Wilkinson - Northern School of Contemporary Dance


Admissions Administrator and English Language Support Tutor

BA (Hons) Open Degree – Open University – 2:1

Graduate Teacher Programme in Primary Education leading to QTS - Outstanding

Additional Qualifications:

Outstanding Teacher Programme

Roles and Responsibilities:

Victoria works alongside the Admissions Manager to support the entire Admissions process from application to entry to the school. She also supports overseas students with their English Language needs.

Who Am I?

“The arts have been part of my life since I was a small child when I began dancing lessons at the age of 4. Moving into the world of musical theatre, I have continued to pursue this passion throughout my life but sadly never had the courage to venture into the professional world. 

After working as a primary school teacher for several years, I decided to take a step back from classroom teaching in order to pursue my life-long love for the arts, and I now love that I work in a space with like-minded, passionate, creative people where I am able to explore my interests and be a part of a forward thinking, diverse, inclusive arts organisation.

In my free time, I remain an amateur musical theatre performer, focusing these days mostly on singing and acting with a bit of dance thrown in and I have performed with various local musical theatre societies, playing a wide range of roles over the years. I also enjoy visiting the theatre, seeing live music and dance and attending festivals as well as travelling, reading, history and fitness”

Career History

After many years of working in a variety of office environments, Victoria retrained firstly as a nursery nurse, then a teaching assistant, eventually enrolling in the Graduate Teacher Programme, leading to obtaining qualified teacher status in 2013. Having worked as a primary teacher in educational establishments ever since, Victoria made the move to the higher education arts sector when she took up her first position at NSCD in June 2021.