Fernanda Prata - A Transpractice Methodology for Dance Conservatoires: The Dancer Training Within an Integrative Approach - Northern School of Contemporary Dance

Fernanda Prata - A Transpractice Methodology for Dance Conservatoires: The Dancer Training Within an Integrative Approach

In Progress: PhD Research, DeMontfort University (expected completion 2026) 

Drawing from existing ideas on transdisciplinarity discussed by Experience Bryon (2014, 2018) and Basarab Nicolescu (2008), this research project combines dance and theatre to develop a new integrative training methodology and choreographic approaches for UK dance conservatoires to utilise in their curriculum. With a particular focus on practices such as psychophysical training and physical actions developed by Stanislavsky, I am also drawing concepts from practitioners such as Jean Benedetti (1998, 2000), Grotowsky (1968), Eugenio Barba (1995), Thomas Richards (1995) and Phillip Zarrili (2009, 2020).  This Transpractice Methodology will open up pedagogical approaches focused on borrowing and exchanging between those practices, which can inform a dancer to become a more integrated performer.